We hope you had a successful start of the year 2017 and already increased your sales significantly, thanks to our VISIT-X action. With our PopUnder Script, we now offer another way to make money with your website.
Many of you are already using our landing pages with great success. That’s why we have now expanded our code snippets for this conversion strong promotional material.
PopUnder Script for our Landing Pages

This is especially good news for all webmasters promoting our offers on their own websites. In addition to the usual embedding as a link directly to a landing page, VX CASH now provides a code snippet for the integration as PopUnder script.
You simply embed this code snippet in the section of your webpage. The moment a customer clicks, a new browser tab with the relevant landing page opens.
The true professionals can customize the code snippet concerning the lifetime of the cookie (meaning determining the date and time when the PopUnder script will no longer displayed) and the window behavior.
Google pays always more attention to whether an ad hides the contents of a page or not. Which makes this promotional material perfect in more than one way!
Just navigate to “Werbemittel” (promotional material), and then “Landingpages”, and select the code snippet for the desired landing page. This of course also works with our self-optimizing landing pages.
In case you don’t know what this is, “self-optimizing” landing pages, you can learn more about it in our blog article.
New Mobile Lustagenten Landing Pages

Already most webpages see 50% mobile traffic. Therefore the Lustagenten team worked hard for several weeks to develop two brand new mobile landing pages for our webmasters.
The new Lustagenten landing page “Mapsearch” retrieves the user’s location and shows them selected towns in close proximity.
And the Lustagenten landing page “Gender” is intended to create a landing page in the shortest of time, with the look and feel of an app. You can find both landing pages at VX-CASH. Just navigate to “Werbemittel” (promotional material), and then to the tab “Lustagenten”, and here to “Landingpages”.
VX-CASH WordPress Theme Plugin V 1.3.4
For all users of the VX-CASH WordPress themes, there was a very helpful update just a few days ago. With the version 1.3.4 of the plugin you can now send debugging info directly to our support. Just log into the backend of your WordPress, navigate to the VX-CASH Admin, and click the new item “Debug-Info”. Scroll down, and then you’ll find the button “Daten an support@vxcash.net schicken” (send data to support@vxcash.net). That way, issues can be solved a lot faster. More information about the VX-CASH WordPress theme you can find here.
Any questions? Just ask your account manager or send an email to the VX-CASH support at support@vxcash.net.