For a full 14 days VISIT-X users now have the chance to defend our planet against the bad Venusians, in our interactive game “VENUS ATTAX”. Thanks to this gamification every day customers are attracted to the website, and the always new challenges provide for always more returning visitors. The users get rewarded with lots of prizes, but they never know what the next surprise will be. Otherwise it wouldn’t be a surprise, after all…
- Free clips (adult content)
- On top bonus credits
- Instant cash with every top-up
- Special prizes for VIP customers
The promotion period starts on 07 November 2018 and ends on 19 November 2018.
VISIT-X VENUS ATTAX Promotional Material
But of course, marketing is half the work of attracting new customers, so VISIT-X provides you with some terrific and exclusive promotional material:

The Landingpage

The Banner-Set