Marketing Material for your Sitebuilder-Kits and a reloaded iFrame Generator online now

From now on all advertising media, whether static or interactive, are available for your webcam or dating kit campaigns as well!

» The best of the best for exit or pop-under traffic: the landing pages

» Always the latest banners for your rotation: the self-optimizing advertising media

» From simple banners to your own microsite: the iFrame generator

» Banners with coupon codes, which not even the toughest customers can resist: the action banners

» Top converting microsites: the LayerAds

» The live chat box on your site: the fake messenger

BTW, the iFrame generator has just been revised and optimized! Now you can look forward to a faster video preview, an optimized scrolling and an improved look and feel. And: now you can choose the size, either fixed (in pixels) or responsive (in percent).