Good news for all VISIT-X webmasters who rely on our successful Whitelabels: We have completely redesigned our VISIT-X Whitelabel and optimized it for mobile devices.
The new VISIT-X Whitelabel version 4.0 can be found in the configuration of your Whitelabel.
Campaign → Edit Campaigns → Edit → Design
The following optimizations have been implemented:

- ⇔ Full screen width
- ☰ Navigation modernized
- Search user-friendly at the top
- Mobile: More content in the visible area
- Mobile: Performers’ pages – call-to-action optimized
- Mobile: Performers’ pages – now with even more content
- Mobile: Performers’ pages – profile pictures as sliders
Tip: Existing Whitelabel configurations, including the SEO texts, can easily be converted to the new layout if required. Only the graphic design elements have to be adapted.
And for those of you who do not yet know how to create their own cam page quickly and easily with the help of our Whitelabel kit:
Whitelabel – The preparations

- Register your own domain or create a subdomain with your provider and enter the cName.
- Log in to VX-CASH.
- Register your domain/subdomain under Campaign → Domain administration.
- Create a campaign for the module under Products → Overview → VISIT-X → Create Whitelabel..
(One campaign must be created for each domain. The number of kits that can be created, however, is unlimited.)
Whitelabel – The configuration

Settings: In addition to defining a commission model, the previously created domain can also be linked to the current kit. (SSL will be available free of charge within 48 hours.)
Design: incorporate your own logo and/or header graphic or make color adjustments.
Important: If you want to use the new Whitelabel Design 4.0, you have to activate it here!
Content: Selection of categories, definition of the start category (ideal for niche pages), integration of campaign banners, etc.
Tip: Here, you can also display performer videos. This means: with the cam kit you can create a video page in no time.
SEO: In addition to adapting the texts of the navigation links, SEO texts can be created for all pages of the kit, and the pages can be optimized here.
Note: The new VISIT-X Whitelabel Design 4.0 can only be activated with your own domain!
Good luck,
Your VX-CASH Team