After all Germany missed the finals at the last meters. This prompts our partner VISIT-X to sweeten the World Cup for its users anyway. And gives you as an affiliate a great opportunity to acquire new customers and customer loyalty.
From the quarter finals on, there will be a special discount in the cams on every match day.

In the quarterfinals, users can expect a 5% discount from 9 to 12/10/2022.

In the semi-finals, users can look forward to a whopping 15% cam discount on 12/13 and 12/14/2022.

And in the finale, VX will then celebrate properly and give a full 25% discount on all live cams on 12/18/2022.
Don’t miss this unique promotion and use the special banners for your campaign.
Your VX-CASH Team
In order to market this campaign profitably, VISIT-X provides exclusive promotional materials:

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