From now on, advertisers offering niche-oriented dating offers and dedicated landing pages can be found in the “Dating” section of the Marketplace.
The entire German-speaking market (DACH) is covered. The remuneration for publishers is a whopping 80% sharing or up to 4.50 EUR/SOI. Sharing is particularly lucrative for niches due to the high level of customer loyalty!
So if you have niche traffic, our “Dating-Finder” merchant with landing pages and offers for the following niches is the first choice:

If you have specifically MILF-oriented traffic, you should take a closer look at this merchant. Here you can get a whopping 3.00 – 4.50 EUR SOI.

All these offers are available in DACH for desktop, tablet and smartphones.
If you are not yet activated for the Marketplace, please get in touch with your VX-CASH contact right away. With activated Marketplace access, all offers can be found in the logged-in area.