What could be better than new landing pages for the pre-Christmas sales? VISIT-X and Lustagenten have developed two new powerful landing pages for the best possible conversion of your traffic. Once again, VX-CASH presents innovative landing pages for cam and dating webmasters. You will be hard pressed to find anything comparable elsewhere!
VISIT-X Profile Landing Page

Just in time for the launch of the new VISIT-X universe, we have created a VISIT-X landing page in the look and feel of the VISIT-X profile pages. And it gets better – we added a video which starts automatically and a chat, giving the user the impression of being live in the middle of it. This guarantees the maximum attention of your visitors, which in turn leads to an increased signup rate.
If you want to embed the profile landing page, just use the following link:
Lustagenten Finder Landing Page

The best option if you want lots of signups is still landing pages asking the users simple questions. That’s exactly the strategy we are pursuing with the finder landing page. As far as the layout is concerned, the landing page follows the great dating apps. For you, this means a guaranteed very good signup rate, especially for the ever-evolving mobile traffic.
If you want to embed the finder landing page, just use the following link:
PS: We always like to hear from you and are looking forward to your feedback and opinion, re our new landing pages.