We are all waiting for spring. To help you pass the time, VX-CASH now presents two new features that will make working with our affiliate program even easier.
As of now all campaign links will be generated by our VX-CASH URL Shortener. You can also create your own short URLs for the VX-CASH products, in the admin section “Tools und Skripte” (tools & scripts).
What is URL Shortening?
URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web in which a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) may be made substantially shorter and still direct to the required page. This is achieved by using a redirect which links to the web page that has a long URL. For example, the URL “http://example.com/assets/category_B/subcategory_C/Foo/” can be shortened to “https://example.com/Foo”, and the URL “http://example.com/about/index.html” can be shortened to “https://goo.gl/aO3Ssc”. Often the redirect domain name is shorter than the original one. A friendly URL may be desired for messaging technologies that limit the number of characters in a message (for example SMS), for reducing the amount of typing required if the reader is copying a URL from a print source, for making it easier for a person to remember, or for the intention of a permalink.
(Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL_shortening)
Short URLs have several advantages:
- easier to share
- ideal for social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.
- easier to use in email campaigns
The VX-CASH Short URL launches immediately – but you do not have to change any existing campaigns/links!
VX-CASH Smartlink
The second new feature is a smartlink for the automatic optimization of your campaigns.
A smartlink is a URL that you can use to send ANY traffic – VX-CASH then filters the traffic and redirects it to the appropriate offers. So this, in a way, is a link for all products!
Optimization happens automatically, carried out by a specially programmed algorithm based on clicks, signups and other factors. Before we add new products and/or landing pages, our Mediabuy team always tests everything internally first to achieve an optimal CTR and conversion. The VX-CASH Smartlink can be found at “Tools und Skripte” (tools & scripts).