New tools & scripts on VX-CASH

For all webmasters who create their breakfast via JavaScript and make their world more beautiful with CSS: VX-CASH now provides the tools necessary for an even better promotion of our products and landing pages on your own sites and pages.

You already know our anti-bounce script, which takes control of the browser’s back button. Now you can also use an exit-intent script (this window will be displayed when the user is preparing to leave your site), a pop-under script (event-based) and an exit pop-up. You will find all scripts in source code with example pages. You may use them at your free disposition, and of course you can customize them according to your individual needs and wishes.

We also provide a deep link generator. Just enter a URL of your choice from one of our VX-CASH products (eg a performer’s profile page), and this URL will automatically be adjusted for your tracking.