Telesex, i.e. eroticism over the phone in combination with a webcam chat, is becoming increasingly popular with end customers. That’s why we offered our VX-CASH webmasters the option to promote the platform “” since 2015. This platform allows customers to enjoy a webcam chat online during a paid for call with the cam girls.
As a webmaster, you can earn up to 0.63 euros per minute with this product, which is unrivaled in the adult affiliate industry. To further enhance the success of this product, we are today announcing the WordPress Plugin.
WordPress is the No.1
WordPress is not only used by bloggers and smaller websites. 14 of the 100 largest sites use WordPress. This includes companies such as CNN, TED, Disney, Microsoft or PlayStation, as well as major universities such as Harvard or the University of Berlin or Melbourne.
Seit 2016 unterstützt VX-CASH WordPress. Für unsere Webmaster stehen das VX-CASH WordPress-Theme und das VX-CASH Dating-Theme zur Verfügung. Doch schon oft wurde der Wunsch an uns herangetragen, zusätzlich ein Plugin zu entwickeln, das sich in bestehende WordPress-Installationen integrieren lässt.
This plugin is now available: The VX-CASH WordPress Plugin!
Extensive configuration options
You have the option to customize colors, fonts, layout and countries. That way, the plugin can seamlessly be integrated into your WordPress installation. In order to operate the plugin on your site, you will need, besides your Webmaster ID, the “BeiAnrufSex API Key”. Please ask your VX-CASH account manager or the VX-CASH support for this key.
The plugin is easy to install. Download the latest version of the plugin here. Then log in to your WordPress installation and go to the Plugins directory. Here, click Install. After the successful installation, you need to activate and configure the plugin.
Now you can easily integrate content into your existing posts or pages. In the Visual Editor, you will find a new short code with the title “VX-CASH BAS”. This short code allows you to insert a “BeiAnrufSex Header” and a “BeiAnrufSex List” into your post or page.